Shadowrun en France et en français


Shadowrun en français

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#1 28/10/2007 03:57:47

Date d’inscription: 28/10/2007

Sox en francais

OK, at first i have to apologize, that i post in english, but i haven't brushed up my french since school and that is some time now. so i hope it's ok for you guys and i ask for understanding.

ok now to my question. as you may or may not be aware, the SOX sourcebook was a cooperative project between french and german writers. the "source"part of the books are the same, but the campaigns are not. so i wanted to ask, if someone of you could summarise the french campaign, because i've been dying to know what it is about. if you wish, i could summarise the german campaign as well (in german or english, just as you prefer, but you wouldnt want to read my french wink)

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#2 28/10/2007 06:30:34

Skarn Ka
Développeur gamme VF - Ombres Portées
Lieu: Gaza, Palestine
Date d’inscription: 18/04/2005

Re: Sox en francais

Hey there!

No problem, it's cool to see people from abroad taking interest in what's going on here.
As a matter of fact, the French version of the SOX book hasn't been released yet, and the campaign is still under development.

So you're gonna have to be patient. smile

Note both campaigns do tie-in, and some events in the German campaign do affect what's going on in the French one. On the other hand, events in the German campaign have an effect on the French campaign, so it'd probably be better if you didn't spill the beans quite yet. wink

Anyway, welcome to SrFr, enjoy, try practicing your French if you feel like it, and in any way I'll help with the language if needs be!


Pour les non-anglophones sur le forum : en gros Wizzbit aimerait savoir de quoi traite la campagne française de SOX (la version allemande est sortie il y a un moment en Allemagne). La réponse est que ladite campagne est toujours en développement, patience, donc...

N'hésitez pas à le saluer, c'est pas tout les jours que des joueurs étrangers nous font l'honneur de venir faire un tour chez nous !

Dernière modification par Skarn Ka (28/10/2007 06:32:29)

"Me suis brûlé le pouce en faisant fondre du beurre au micro-ondes hier soir, ça compte comme excuse bidon pour un ratage de deadline ?"
-Nam, taquin

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#3 28/10/2007 08:42:36

Fondateur & grand archiviste - Ombres Portées
Lieu: Champigny sur Marne
Date d’inscription: 18/04/2005
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Welcome aboard Wizzbit!

"Uh-oh, Toto, it doesn't look like we're gods anymore."
- Little Dottie to her faithful program frame

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#4 28/10/2007 09:34:38

Lieu: Bordeaux
Date d’inscription: 28/08/2006
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Hi, welcome here.

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#5 28/10/2007 12:11:59

Date d’inscription: 19/11/2006

Re: Sox en francais

OK, at first i have to apologize, that i post in english, but i haven't brushed up my french since school and that is some time now. so i hope it's ok for you guys and i ask for understanding.

Hallo und willkommen, Wizzbit.

That will be my first and last try in German (thx to google™), I never learned, and even less practiced this one. The few words I know comes from my trip in Hanover (for CeBit, in 2003), but nothing really usefull : dank, ausgang, messe, sprechen sie Französisch ? (2nd try : do you speak English ?)

Moreover, an understandable English is better than a bad French (or a good German). I think there's more English-readers than German-readers one on this board. But if you want to write your messages in French, there's no problem. I'm sure that your French is far better than my German. Besides, that could be funny for us.

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#6 29/10/2007 18:33:54

Date d’inscription: 28/10/2007

Re: Sox en francais

hey thanks for your kind replys, I always think it's great, when people from different places have something in common, cause it shows that we all are not that different - well ok, that sounded really cheesy smile

ok, je peut lire passable, mais je peux seulement mal ecrire et parler. mais je veux etudier francais de nouveau, parce que c'etait utile pour mon travail et j'aime france. j'etais dans paris et dans nice deux fois, et il m'a beacoup plu.

ok i feel, like i'm in school again, and doing homework once more. big_smile

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#7 29/10/2007 19:20:44

Lieu: Bordeaux
Date d’inscription: 28/08/2006
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Wizzbit a écrit:

ok, je peut lire passable, mais je peux seulement mal ecrire et parler. mais je veux etudier francais de nouveau, parce que c'etait utile pour mon travail et j'aime france. j'etais dans paris et dans nice deux fois, et il m'a beacoup plu.

Quite good, just some littles mistakes.

version avec moins de faute a écrit:

ok, je peut lire passablement, mais je peux seulement mal ecrire et parler. mais je veux etudier le francais de nouveau, parce que c'etait utile pour mon travail et j'aime la france. j'etais dans paris et dans nice deux fois, et cela m'a beaucoup plu.

PS : You can improve my english by correcting my posts

Dernière modification par Raven (29/10/2007 19:22:53)

SR1 SR2+ SR3++ SR4+++ h++ b++ B? UB- IE+ RN-- W dk++ ad+++ sh++ ma+ mc+++ m++(e++) gm++ M P-
Prophezine (N°1 à 5)

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#8 29/10/2007 19:22:07

Lieu: Bordeaux
Date d’inscription: 28/08/2006
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

double post

Dernière modification par Raven (29/10/2007 19:22:43)

SR1 SR2+ SR3++ SR4+++ h++ b++ B? UB- IE+ RN-- W dk++ ad+++ sh++ ma+ mc+++ m++(e++) gm++ M P-
Prophezine (N°1 à 5)

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#9 29/10/2007 19:37:16

Date d’inscription: 28/10/2007

Re: Sox en francais

ok yeah, that makes more sense. ^^ i believe, i'm still thinking in german too much. thanks for pinting out my mistakes though, so i know waht to improve.

well as far as correcting english goes, i'm pretty solid in english, but it's not my main language either (german is) so i don't know if i'm the right one for that. well i'm gonna buy some grammar books tomorrow, i already have the Larousse and the Bescherelle. (if that means anything to you)

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#10 29/10/2007 20:02:13

Lieu: Bordeaux
Date d’inscription: 28/08/2006
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Wizzbit a écrit:

ok yeah, that makes more sense. ^^ i believe, i'm still thinking in german too much. thanks for pinting out my mistakes though, so i know waht to improve.

well as far as correcting english goes, i'm pretty solid in english, but it's not my main language either (german is) so i don't know if i'm the right one for that. well i'm gonna buy some grammar books tomorrow, i already have the Larousse and the Bescherelle. (if that means anything to you)

Good manuals, not enough read by french

SR1 SR2+ SR3++ SR4+++ h++ b++ B? UB- IE+ RN-- W dk++ ad+++ sh++ ma+ mc+++ m++(e++) gm++ M P-
Prophezine (N°1 à 5)

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#11 29/10/2007 21:02:47

Fondateur & grand archiviste - Ombres Portées
Lieu: Champigny sur Marne
Date d’inscription: 18/04/2005
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Just to show French is not easy even for French people wink

Wizzbit a écrit:

Je suis allé à paris et à nice deux fois,

PS: these corrections are only to help you with your French if you want, not to point fingers or be otherwise harrassing. Please, do not hesitate to say "stop" when you're fed up with French lessons ! smile

Maybe could you just say one or two words (in whatever language you like) on what you thought about SOX background, just to tease Franch people around? wink

"Uh-oh, Toto, it doesn't look like we're gods anymore."
- Little Dottie to her faithful program frame

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#12 31/10/2007 17:01:44

Date d’inscription: 31/03/2006
Site web

Re: Sox en francais

Histoire d'en recoller une couche (on fait les expressions du terroir en plus)

Namergon a écrit:

Just to show French is not easy even for French people wink

Wizzbit a écrit:

Je suis allé à Paris et à Nice deux fois,

Bon, cela dit je ne suis pas le mieux placé pour corriger des fautes d'orthographe ou de grammaire...

Dragrubis, technomancien intermittent.
SRGC 0.3: !SR1 !SR2 !SR3 SR4++ h b++ B? D? UB-- IE RN+ DSF- SrFr+ W hk+ sa tm++ ma hm- sh+ ad+ ri+ mc- rk-- mu++ fa+++ m e+ o- t+ d++ gm+ M- P-

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#13 31/10/2007 18:45:43

Date d’inscription: 28/10/2007

Re: Sox en francais

well thanks for the help, really appreciate it. i picked up a grammar book yesterday (one that really helped me during school time) so now i just need some time and i hope i'll be able to post in french soon.

concerning the sox: (it's definetely better i'll post that in english) if one keeps in mind, that the sox was created by german autors druing a time, when they really wrote some stupid things, and if one accepts that the sox itself has some, let's call it "inconsistencies" (starting with it's creation, running through the whole idea), so when one can set all this things aside, you have, in my opinion, a really great/funny setting for post apocalyptic roleplay. and you can use the sox for a lot of things, from post apocalyptic "standard" shadowrun to freaked out mad max campaigns. and i really liked the german campaign, that's the reason, i wanted to know what the french one is about.

and concerning the Paris and Nice: i tend to write everything with small letters on the internet, a bad habit i picked up some time ago.

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#14 02/11/2007 18:59:27

Zero Cool
Lieu: Avignon (oui le pont, je sais)
Date d’inscription: 25/11/2005

Re: Sox en francais

Willkommen, Wizzbit !

Hope you'll appreciate french community of Sr Fr. we're not mad, in fact, just a little bit...Crazy tongue

As you said, that shows that we all are not that different lol

"ok, je peut lire passable, mais je peux seulement mal ecrire et parler. mais je veux etudier francais de nouveau, parce que c'etait utile pour mon travail et j'aime france. j'etais dans paris et dans nice deux fois, et il m'a beacoup plu."

Your french is bad ? Well, never ask me to write in German, or you will die [del]chummer[/del] Omae big_smile (and if you are as unskilled in French as i am in German (and in English wink), try a little trick : buy some linguasoft on Black Market, it's really really easier lol).


Zero Cool.

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