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un base de datos de 60,042,941 files multimedia liberemente usabile al qual omnes pote contribuer.

Tango icon nature.svg Natura
Image-x-generic Gion.svg Imagines

Stylised atom with three Bohr model orbits and stylised nucleus.svg Scientia
Sound-icon.svg Sono

Greek deity head icon.png Societate
Film Reel.svg Video

Imagine del die
Imagine del die
Iglesia de San Juan el Real, Calatayud, España, 2017-01-08, DD 07-09 HDR.jpg
Church of San Juan el Real in the center of Calatayud, province of Zaragoza, Spain. The baroque church was built in the 17th and 18th century and hosts among others some of the first paintings still conserved by Francisco de Goya in the pendentives of the main dome.

+/− (ia), +/− (en)

Multimedia del die
Multimedia del die
Sound of Northern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans). The file comes from Dudley T. Dougherty Natural Sounds Collection

+/− (ia), +/− (en)

Hodie in imagines
Donation del Bibliotheca Statal de Queensland
Northern end of the State Library of Queensland.jpg

Le Bibliotheca Statal de Queensland ha donate 50.000 photographias libere de copyright que documenta aspectos del historia de Queensland. Nos require adjuta pro categorisar le imagines, e pro completar e reformular le descriptiones del imagines. Tu pote leger como adjutar hic.

Le melior

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